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Account Executive + Transcriptionist
Two Teams
Working for You!
  • Trusted by thousands since 2005
  • Friction-free ordering
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Customer Loyalty Program

What to expect

Professional Transcription Services
24/7 customer support
100% satisfaction guaranteed

We at GoTranscript completely understand the importance of accuracy in transcription. That's why we always aim for 99% accuracy.
We start by hiring only the best. We then employ a system of reviews and checks to ensure quality and accuracy. Our staff have no less than 5 years of transcribing experience, so you can be sure your audio files are transcribed with great care and attention to detail.

The majority of our transcriptionists are based in the United Kingdom or United States and are native English speakers.

All of our translators/transcribers sign a Confidentiality Agreement. We respect our clients privacy; therefore, we give clients the option to personally remove completed transcriptions from our database. The data is completely removed from the computers of our translators/transcribers as well.

Yes. We love our customers! To show our appreciation for your patronage, we offer a Customer Loyalty Program. It's our way of thanking you. You can get the lowest prices around and enjoy special discounts just by continuing to use our services.
For our loyal customers, the price per audio minute can be as low as $0.84.
5% OFF for 2500+ uploaded minutes*
10% OFF for 5250+ uploaded minutes*
15% OFF for 10000+ uploaded minutes*
*Uploaded minutes calculated for all orders.

Yes. For the moment, the available languages are: English, Arabic, Bosnian, Catalan, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Croatian, Dutch, Filipino, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Persian (Dari), Persian (Farsi), Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese.

Never. Speech-to-text programs can't achieve the quality our professional transcriptionists can.

Low-quality audio has one or more of the following:
• Speakers talking over each other
• Interruptions
• Background noise
• A low-quality microphone
• A microphone that's far from the speaker(s)
We add $0.20 a minute for these more complex transcriptions and assign them to our more experienced Pro Transcribers to guarantee quality results.
Also, most of our English-language transcribers are based in the U.S. and U.K. An ESL speaker can be hard to decipher, as can even a thick Australian or South African accent. Please use this Pro Transcriber option for:
• Speaker(s) with a heavy accent
• Two or more different accents
Please be sure to click the 'Yes' radio button next to the 'Low-quality audio / Heavy accent' option on your order form. Choosing this option ahead of time ensures that you receive your completed file as quickly as possible.