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What to expect

Professional Translation Services
24/7 customer support
100% satisfaction guaranteed

GoTranscript has a community of more than 20,000 professional translators from around the world. We verify and certify each and every translator manually to keep the community professional. Translators are rated continuously in order to maintain the high quality of our community.

Yes. Our practice is to use two audio translators. The first transcribes the text. The second checks the accuracy of this transcription and then translates the text into the other language. Next, the first transcriber reviews the translation for accuracy. Last, the pair agrees on the final wording.

The translation normally starts within 2 to 4 hours from the time your file is submitted.

GoTranscript Translation has simple pricing. Our starting price is $0.07 per word, without any hidden service fees or minimum charges.

To guarantee satisfaction, we invest a lot of effort and focus on translation quality, speed, and first-class customer service. We want you to be happy with your translation so you'll use our services again.